Posts filed under: Garage Door Maintenance

How long will my springs last? The life cycle of a typical garage door spring is usually 10,000 cycles, one cycle is one time up and down.  Since many of us use our garage door as the ‘front door’ to our home, these cycles can go quickly!  For example, if...
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Preventative Maintenance for Commercial Overhead Doors -Can Lead to Big R.O.I.- Overhead door breakdowns can cause loss of productivity and impair safety on the job. They can also seriously impact your bottom line. Rather than waiting until your equipment causes a shutdown, consider regular preventative maintenance visits that keep your...
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An LED lights’ internal control circuit, designed to maintain the bulb’s efficiency and lifespan, generates radio emissions. Government regulations state that they should be between 30 and 300 MHz. If the LED light generates a higher frequency, it will cause interference with a garage door opener. Garage door opener radio controls work on 300...
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Cleaning and Lubricating your Garage Door Cleaning and lubricating your garage door system every 6 months is important for the longevity of the system, and reducing noise. Here are the two types of lubricants that our technicians use – we purchase them from Menard’s. NEVER use an oil-based lubricant on...
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How To Prevent Your Garage Door From Rusting 1) Keep Your Door Clean! 🕵️ You can simply use dish detergent to keep your garage door clean. The degreasing agents in your dish soap actually cut through a lot of the oils and grime on the door for a sparkling finish....
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Commercial doors are the lifeblood of many operations. Without properly functioning doors, goods cannot flow in and out of facilities, meaning halted production and lost revenue.  For municipalities, it can mean a delay in getting a fire truck in or out of the station. The cost here can be immeasurable. Many...
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